An extract from the Unified State Register for Legal Entities, the time of discharge is no more than 3 months. Certificate of registration in the IMNS for registration,...
Читать дальшеAn extract from the Unified State Register for Legal Entities, the time of discharge is no more than 3 months. Certificate of registration in the IMNS for registration,...
Читать дальшеAn application of the established form, with a detailed list of types of electrical work, for which you want to receive certificates. Copy of the Certificate of OGRN...
Читать дальшеPrepare and give for consideration a package of documents that are required for entry and in the SRO. Pay contributions. The main package of documents
Читать дальшеCompare your own financial capabilities with the requirements that are established in the partnerships suitable for the profile of the profile. Analyze a few SROs and stop the...
Читать дальшеConduct an objective analysis of the education, activities, length of service and qualifications of specialists, for compliance with the minimum of requirements established by legislation and regulatory acts...
Читать дальшеInteresting video on how to sheathe a house with siding How to get a license for electrical work, what documents for admission to the SRO are needed:
Читать дальшеThe legislation of the Russian Federation approved an official list of works, the implementation of which requires a mandatory membership of the SRO contractor and obtaining appropriate tolerances...
Читать дальшеFederal Law No. 80 on amendments to the Federal Law on the licensing of certain types of activities dated 02.07.2005, mandatory licensing for electrical work was canceled.
Читать дальшеThis material is written with the support of the company Complex -Troup: . Our Moscow phone: +7 (495) 971-26-81
Читать дальшеFasteners in the whole assortment, which is now offered by leading formwork manufacturers, is very diverse, and consists of various overlays, angular clamps and other all kinds of...
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